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Long loading of the site, what could be the reason?
We have a subdomain with a self-written site: (in the mobile version of the problem!)
The site is self-written, the code is obfuscated. Without .htaccess does not want to work for example, but this is not the problem itself. He is 1000 years old at lunchtime.
The site itself was created on the hosting: . Synonyms: and, but the Synonym does NOT want to be added, writes an error when adding, maybe this is a mistake? Hosting on Other domains are created on the same self-written engine according to the same principle and work fine (open quickly), only there Synonym with www. there is.
If you follow the Synonym, which does NOT want to be added, they will write that they say there is no site ...
Everything worked well until recently. Began to open about 1-2 minutes. If opened once, then it will open instantly on the same computer. It is necessary that it opens normally for the first time, and not 1-2 minutes ...
Can anyone help point out a clear problem?
Actually, if you need the .htaccess code:
DirectoryIndex sm.php index.php index.html
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php_flag safe_mode On
php_flag display_errors Off
php_flag expose_php Off
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php_value max_input_time 30
php_value default_charset "windows-1251"
php_value upload_max_filesize "1M"
php_value post_max_size "1M"
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