Ishli2011-01-13 21:13:15
Ishli, 2011-01-13 21:13:15

List of algorithms

Is there a list of algorithms grouped by complexity somewhere on the Internet?

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8 answer(s)
burdakovd, 2011-01-14

A question from the category “Where can I find a list of books grouped by the number of pages on the Internet?”

mythmaker, 2011-01-13


Ishli, 2011-01-14

To the minuses: you have a crisis of competence, you can’t answer the question, so you minus :)
And there is nothing wrong with non-standard classifications)

Rafael Osipov, 2011-01-13

Here is another good site, in addition to algolist.manual.ru: e-maxx.ru/algo/

ekzo, 2011-01-13

donald whip.

mihaildemidoff, 2011-01-14

I think it’s not necessary to group them, but to know why you need to know the complexity if you haven’t seen the algorithm in your eyes and don’t know why you need it.
and so: Knut, Kormen in your hands and study.
There are a lot of algorithms and their modifications, you can’t keep track of them all

1nd1go, 2011-01-14

I don't think there is such a classification. But why not make it yourself if you're interested?
For example, there is a list of 300 popular algorithms: www.scriptol.com/programming/list-algorithms.php. I think most of their descriptions can be found on wikipedia along with their complexity. You can add complexity tags to this list and post them somewhere on your site and tell people about it.
The benefits are obvious - you yourself will explore the algorithms (at least superficially), you will understand them, and people will benefit.

just-so-nickname, 2019-10-13


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