Masteron2015-10-14 18:16:51
Masteron, 2015-10-14 18:16:51

Linux freezes, how to fix?

When using Linux (any even Ubuntu mint Debian opensuse, etc.) it freezes tightly, there is no such thing with windows, only a reboot helps, what could be the problem? (It happens that the color of individual parts of the screen changes before freezing)

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5 answer(s)
great_77, 2020-01-11

I got up dead on my laptop with Intel guts on 16.04, and searched for a problem for a long time until I found this: ... “If it hangs tightly on distra higher than 14.04.3, then 99% that this is due to Intel graphics. I had regular freezes after 20 - 40 - 90 min. It was decided so sudo gedit /etc/default/grub bring the line GRUB_MDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to the following form (if nothing was added) GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash intel_idle.max_cstate=1" Save, close. sudo update-grub And reboot. The problem should disappear if Intel HD is to blame. "... IT HELPED ME. I specifically drove for a week without reloading the video in the chrome browser.
anonymous (06/30/17 05:54:02)

chupasaurus, 2015-10-14

libastral not found
less /var/log/syslog

Alexey Skobkin, 2015-10-14

Notice if the LEDs on the keyboard are blinking - this could be a sign of Kernel Panic. Well, look at the logs.

Sergey, 2015-10-14

When I use the touchpad, it hangs like this

Meehalkoff, 2015-10-14

Choose a distribution with a strong community. And on the Russian-language forum of this distribution, carefully describe the problem. Describe your device configuration. Describe how you can reproduce the problem. The more details you give to the assistants, the sooner they will help you.
PS Regarding how you asked the question here - I don’t want to help, but send it to ** th.

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