Veil2011-06-17 05:30:35
Veil, 2011-06-17 05:30:35

Learn Scrum and Agile as a Scrum Master

Are there courses in Moscow or will a series of books be enough? Where is the best place to start? I have a general idea, Rework read, system knowledge is necessary.

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2011-06-17

Go learn Scrumtrack.

lalaki, 2011-06-17

Scrum is common sense + basic team management skills applied to software development (usually).
Common sense comes mainly with experience, and to master team management - communication, task management, team management - read basic books on management and management psychology.
Purely on mechanical knowledge of Scrum rituals you won’t leave, no matter at what system level you master them - there will always be something wrong.
What I advise:
John Adair - "How to manage people and yourself." A very practical book, up to the presence of exercises - you need not be lazy and do the exercises.
Itzhak Adizes - "The Ideal Leader", "Managing Change". Its methodology is outlined - a must read for any team member.
Mikhail Litvak - "Command or obey." Applied psychology - similar to must read.
+ useful books on other, more loaded methodologies - for example, "RUP is easy" - help to understand how the gears turn in software development and why and when Scrum is good. And some basics on building business processes also help to understand how much software development has in common with other industries.

Ilya Chernichkin, 2011-06-17

scrumtrek.ru/ I think you are here

lalaki, 2011-06-17

What do your latest personal retrospectives tell you? What are your problems? This is where you need to dig.
Well, if they are not there, it is worth starting to conduct - on a regular basis or spontaneously intuitively

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