Xeli2017-10-05 13:07:54
Xeli, 2017-10-05 13:07:54

Learn only git?

I constantly come across articles and references to using git. Does it make sense in 2017 to learn other version control systems like Mercurial or Subversion?

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2 answer(s)
iMaximus, 2017-10-05

My opinion is that no, even if you get into an organization where other control systems are used, (I have not met such ones) you can easily adapt.

Saboteur, 2017-10-05

All version control systems perform approximately the same functionality. The syntax may of course differ, but not so much that it is directly necessary to "learn".
Study one.
You can briefly familiarize yourself with the rest by spending 1-3 hours maximum on the same subversion. No more needed - if you come across a different version control system when applying for a job, you will quickly adapt.

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