Zazza2011-02-27 18:35:06
Sony PlayStation
Zazza, 2011-02-27 18:35:06

Lawyers or STD law?

On December 26 last year, I handed over a PS3 game console to the Sony service center in Voronezh. Within two months, the specialists of the center answered (by phone) - we are waiting for the prefix to come from Moscow. February 26 - a specialist from the same place said that there had not yet been a shipment to Moscow at all. To a reasonable question “why”, they answered that they tried to fix it on their own, but nothing came of it. March 1 will be sent. The drive is broken, it is not difficult to determine without diagnostics. I don’t want to wait another couple of months, the question is whether something can be done besides refusing to repair? For example, for repairs to be performed by an unscrupulous service at their own expense.
PS On hand, only a receipt with the date the console was handed over for repair.
Repair is not guaranteed. The warranty ended about a year ago.

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4 answer(s)
Smolka, 2011-02-27

The maximum warranty repair period = 45 days (Article 20 of the RFP), then we can demand money and a penalty for each day of delay.
Remind the seller of this. Usually only a mention is enough, the money will be returned. I never got around to writing statements.

standrew, 2011-02-27

In ZZPP it is very vaguely written about the terms of warranty repairs. The only thing that can be done for sure is to demand that a similar device be issued for the period of repair. I advise you to immediately write a statement to the local Rospotrebnadzor, after a call from there, the SCs usually show unprecedented promptness.
Another option is to demand not a repair from the SC, but a refund from the seller.

standrew, 2011-02-27

That is, you wait 2 months until the optical drive is replaced for a fee in the official SC? Did I understand correctly? Official service centers usually have mediocre service and inhumane prices. So it's better to order the drive yourself in China and find some craftsmen who will screw it on. Get it cheaper and faster. Something similar is being discussed here: monitor.net.ru/forum/sony-ps3-kes-400a-info-288900.html

Alexander, 2011-02-27

Were there any conditions when you handed over the goods for examination? did you sign up for a deadline?

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