Vit2015-05-23 22:47:25
Vit, 2015-05-23 22:47:25

Laravel 4.2 stopped working on the server, where to look for the problem?

On the working machine everything worked without errors. Uploaded the project to the server, the error began to appear:

,"message":"Class 'work' not found","file":"\/home\/site \/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src

The Work class in the Models folder
class Work extends Eloquent {
  protected $table = 'works';

I don’t quite understand why Laravel stopped finding the work class if everything worked on the local machine?

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1 answer(s)
Vyacheslav Plisko, 2015-05-24

It also says
>>Class 'work'
and you have Work.
Watch the register of files and classes so that there are no incidents on unix systems

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