zusav72015-09-28 18:25:14
zusav7, 2015-09-28 18:25:14

Junior C#. What is the minimum knowledge base?

Good day to all!
Perhaps this question was asked before me, but I'll ask it again anyway.
What is the minimum amount of knowledge a C# programmer should have.
I read somewhere that you must have knowledge at the level of a diligent university graduate ... but as you know, "Diligent" is a flexible concept and universities are different.
You can view the requirements for candidates in vacancies, but I heard that you can close your eyes to some requirements for a while (they are secondary) and you can catch up during work. But they can accept you without them (the main thing is that you have primary skills).
And to sit and teach when you can start working in a team is somehow unreasonable.
If it's possible, then write primary skills in C# if possible.
PS I study English.

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3 answer(s)
Dmitry Kovalsky, 2015-09-28

If you take Junior for training, then this is a read and understood "CLR via C #" (many interviewees ask tricky questions directly from that book, having read them a couple of days earlier), knowledge of what SQL is and how to write at least the simplest queries CRUD (CREATE, READ ,UPDATE,DELETE) as well as JOIN and GROUP BY. Well, knowledge of both the syntax of the language and the target platform (ASP.NET MVC / WebForms, WPF). And the most important thing is googling (or binging if you are an adept).

Therapyx, 2015-09-28

I didn’t really ask myself this question, but after all the questions on the toaster, I once asked my boss if I was pulling on Junior? - The answer was definitely yes. But my knowledge still confuses me, because there was more self-learning and because of this I feel a lot of gaps, but at the same time.
- Ability to use search engines in three languages ​​(Ger, Eng, Rus)
- Basic SQL queries (Update, Insert, Delete, Join, as well as specific ones in a small volume, but if necessary it is googled, misunderstandings were asked :)
- Stored Procedures and basic methods of protection against any SQL-Injections
- Planning of databases for small projects.
- Asp.net webforms (pretty good knowledge for building websites)
- Basic c# (If, else, for, while, arrays, OOP)
- Work in conjunction with tables and the like in combination with Asp.net <-> c# <-> MS SQL
- jQuery, JS at the copypaste level
- Not perfect, but still good HTML, CSS (ps manual :) never taught CSS frameworks, I had to do everything manually from scratch)
In general, this is all that concerns web development, I don’t take into account the rest of the little things. But then again, there are still vile gaps that still infuriate me myself, but I don’t stubbornly fight with them :)
At the same time, it will be interesting to listen to the opinion of toasters in the comments, do you think that this draws on Juniora? =)

Dmitry Ivanov, 2015-10-08

I have been working as a junior c# / asp.net developer for 1.5 months now and the following came in handy for me
0) Ability to google and find information on the Internet!
1) Fundamentals of programming in c#. (OOP, loops, conditional statements, extension methods)
2) Collections in c#. Remember that all generic collections are inherited from IEnumerable (well, little things - what lies inside List and other collections)
2) Asp.net mvc basics (understand the MVC architecture, how to do server-side model validation, how to perform CRUD operations)
3) Basics EF Code First approach (You need to understand how to create tables with one-to-many, many-to-many relationships, why migrations are needed and what to do if the database changes through mssql server)
4) SQL basics (to check yourself - how data is written to the database): select, from, *join, group by, where
5) LINQ. Linq to Entities and Linq to Objects. Here you need to know a little about lambdas in c#.
6) It would be nice to have an idea what TPL and await, async are
7) JS + Jquery + how to debug js in the browser (not with alerts :) )
8) Html + css, bootstrap
9) know a little about the http protocol - what is the difference between a post request from get request

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