Alex_Tysel2014-03-15 13:38:09
Alex_Tysel, 2014-03-15 13:38:09

Javarush. Is it worth studying there, or is it better to read books?

I would like to hear feedback on this project and should it be used as the main learning resource for learning java and programming as such?

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16 answer(s)
lightGray, 2014-03-15

helped me a lot to get started. It is desirable to get on the action at half the price. They don't have analogues yet.
I myself continue to learn through an unusual form of webinar. Google getJavaJob. This is VK public.
According to the books in most cases - tedious crap. Without them, in any way, but there should be more practice.

Zapp Brannigan, 2014-12-12

Every profession has knowledge and skills.
I can recommend books: Head First Java (easy to google) and Thinking in Java (but not for beginners).
Thinking in Java is very useful to read before going to an interview - it helps to structure the existing knowledge. Well, in terms of practice, there is no replacement for javarush yet.

George V., 2015-01-13

It is best to get trained on javarush, and sign up for getJavaJob, and read material on the topic in several books, and read articles on the Internet on the topic, if you are still trying to implement everything that you read, then the effect will increase significantly. I try to do this, although it will take more time, but the material will be better absorbed.

Tatyana, 2019-03-11

Do not buy a subscription, do not repeat my mistakes (((They just threw me at seven thousand. I had to think from the very beginning, because the site did not really find contacts, details.
But I bought a subscription for a promotion from them before the new year, for a year. About the effectiveness of training can still be argued, but the training didn’t help me personally, you won’t even become a programmer from scratch, this is 100%, maybe if you already have some experience and knowledge, this will somehow help, although as for me, in this case it is possible and without javarush to drag.
But this is not about that, for the first year of study my successes were minimal, I thought and thought for a long time, I bought it for another year, although I doubted it, I think maybe I just spent little time, I’ll try more intensively. Accordingly, I paid for it in December and what do you think, in March I find that there is no subscription! I write to the administration in horror, you can write to them in private messages, after a few days they answer me that I violated some rules of the service, which I did not find on the site, and neither the subscription nor the money will be returned to me. I saved up for it from maternity for six months, and just like that, they just deprived me of it. After that, to be honest, I even felt like studying, my hands drop.
And I can't do anything. Although I can save others from such a scam, do not buy a subscription from them in any case.

Eeved, 2019-08-21

Those who vilify javarush have not sniffed other courses. Those who say that everything can be found for free on the Internet have found nothing.

Fursoff, 2018-11-28

I heard positive reviews about javarush, registered, but still didn’t get around to start systematically practicing. A month ago I bought a subscription for a year, it's more profitable. I like the fascinating plot, the style of lectures, plus a large number of tasks for each topic. Sometimes the lecture material is not enough, you need to use additional materials and google. But who said it would be easy. Moreover, if the creators would have cram the whole theory, it would be long and tedious. The course helps to understand the key concepts, terms, logic of the language, and consolidate all this in practice. At the same time, I am taking a free CS50 course from Harvard, also on the website. Helps to broaden one's horizons. To motivate students, there is a special section - "Success Stories", where students and graduates share their achievements. It's also cool that you are almost immediately taught to program in a development environment, not just in the browser. For this, a special plug-in was developed for solving problems in Intellij IDEA. Highly recommend this resource, worth the money.

alex7six, 2019-04-30

I was interested in learning on javarush and after passing the 0th level I signed up for a paid subscription for a month at a discount.
A month has passed and I was not going to continue to renew the subscription, because. there was no time for training, but the site itself deducted money from my card.
I asked them to return the money, but they refused.
Then he asked to freeze the training, so that later he could return to it.
And when I wanted to return to him and continue my studies, they brazenly refuse me this, simply ignoring all my messages.
Be careful with this site, because. there are FRAUDERS.
I can send a photo of the fact of fraud to interested parties

Rustam_Aliev, 2019-05-04

Well, whatever one may say, there is nothing better in Runet yet in terms of learning Java in practice. I took an annual subscription, but it took me about 6 months of shock training (solving problems in Javarush, reading books, watching videos) to start sending out resumes. There is a minus here - kanesh, no one will force you to study: you leave only for self-motivation (and self-flagellation on days when everything is stupidly broken))))

Ovechkin-I, 2019-05-07

I don’t know what people have with subscriptions and fraud (!) - my experience with the product is normal.
At the start, it was not clear whether the training would go in or not, so I took a monthly subscription.
This is buzzing, but sad that after the twentieth level, the theory begins to sag. You have to do a bunch of stuff yourself. I share the opinion of George V. - it is better to draw a theory from several sources at once. Let more time be spent, but something will be deposited in the head.
And Javarash - for mastering Java Core, practice, motivation - that's it.

Kate_f, 2019-08-27

I came with the goal of becoming a Java developer, but I became a PHP-schnit :)
Really "senks" great for you JR, without you probably nothing would have happened.
Good luck, prosperity <3

deeze-deeze, 2019-08-29

I took courses on Javarash on the advice of a senior Javast friend. What to say? The strongest side of the course is practical tasks, they are really good, and there are a lot of them. You really need to be prepared for the fact that only Java Core will cover the course. Not enough theory, but it seems like this is the position of the creators of the course: that you need to learn to google. I would advise you to learn theory from books and pass tasks on Javarash. The validator is sometimes stupid - so get ready. But the instant result in solving problems is pleasing.

Romulus, 2019-12-02

I'm currently taking a course on JavaRush. I read the comments above about fraud, scammers, and I don’t understand, are you sure you don’t confuse anything? On any service there are rules for using the service and the policy of the company as a whole, and all the rules are written there. It's just that before paying, we need to devote a little more time to studying the issue, and not just blindly click "OK-OK, it's still not useful." At JavaRush, all the rules for using the course are written on the site, I carefully studied it myself before buying. There is no scam there. I contacted support a couple of times on various issues, the guys react in the next few minutes and find a compromise. The course itself as a whole is very addictive with its delivery style and useful motivational goodies. The struggle with the validator, of course, is constant, but how much additional knowledge can be obtained.

hardmed, 2020-04-07

IMHO - having shoveled a bunch of courses, I stopped at javarash, I'm studying for the third month (while reading Head First Java and Java 8 Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt), plus I watch lectures on Stepik. javarush teaches with practical tasks - that is, solve a dozen or two problems on a specific topic, which means you will master this topic, but along the way you will have to google and read third-party resources very actively. There are lectures on javarush, but if you plan to learn only from these materials, the process will be delayed.

alsaut, 2021-01-10

I didn’t like it, it’s a hack, difficult questions can’t be explained at all, like “You’ll understand the fagot” are easy to chew 40 times, all the time a promise if you finish us, you’ll find a good job :-), the idea was competent, alas, the implementation is extremely crooked.

ChessPlayer89, 2021-07-25

javarush is a clone of codegym.com, only javarush also does not return money, if you buy a try and then return the money, it will not work with them. They also can’t suspend training, so why are such courses needed? Codegym is better, if you know English of course!

Shtaer312, 2021-10-22

Exactly! Maybe that's why they are more complicated in questions and do not explain very well, as was said here in the comments. A copy of almost 1 in 1. You might even think that these are different versions of the site in Russian and English. But the court of contacts, this is from different people. But all the same, in Russian, apparently, a good product, and even if it was just translated, it's not bad, a good product, I think.

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