mbpars2014-03-02 09:30:12
mbpars, 2014-03-02 09:30:12

JavaRush: is it possible to become a junior?

Hello! Actually a question concerning the JavaRush project.
Everything that the author described looks like a fairy tale. But is it really possible to become a junior after completing this course? Or just hardcore, Hortsman, Shieldt?

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2 answer(s)
Orekhov Alexey, 2014-03-02

Learning to program is not about playing a game or reading a book.
Learning to program means writing code. And then run and see that it does not work. And then figure out why it doesn't work. Sit until 4 am and edit it.
If you're not ready, then don't take it

DieMust, 2014-03-05

I used JavaRush when there were still 15 levels and it was free. The thing is interesting and useful, but not at all effective, if limited only to it.
There is already a good community there and there is someone to consult with, so there are many benefits. But it is necessary in addition to the implementation of their ideas + books.

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