SAM_UZER2014-10-18 20:04:26
SAM_UZER, 2014-10-18 20:04:26

Java vs C# ASP .NET MVC?

Greetings, I am facing such a dilemma, I cannot choose a programming language for a Web application.
I used to code in C#, I really liked the language, and over time I began to look towards the Web.
Before me is such a task, to make a website with a very large audience. So, with the help of which it is easier and more expedient to make a website, and also in the future to write an application for mobile OCs on it (ala Facebook, VK)
As I understand it, cross-platform Java affects here, but is it really impossible to write an application for other operating systems (Android, iOS) in C#, or will speed suffer?

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Taratin, 2014-10-18

but is it really impossible to write an application in C# for other operating systems (Android, iOS), or will the speed suffer?

It is possible xamarin.com
will not be slower than java.

Max Maximov, 2014-10-21

I think it will be easiest to make a site on ASP.NET MVC (actually, the site itself) + WebAPI (API for a mobile application) + SignalR (high loads) + PhoneGap (cross-platform mobile applications). All in one, convenient.

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