iText Software2018-11-07 11:45:15
iText Software, 2018-11-07 11:45:15

ITEXT7: How to create a paragraph by mixing different fonts?

I have been using iText 7 for a few days to create pdf files and I can say that it is unfortunately very different from iText 5 and the documentation is still not complete enough. I'm trying to create a paragraph that uses two fonts or two styles (example: bold text in the middle of a paragraph)
Using iText 5 this can be done using Chunks:

Font regular = new Font(FontFamily.HELVETICA, 12);
Font bold = Font font = new Font(FontFamily.HELVETICA, 12, Font.BOLD);
Phrase p = new Phrase("NAME: ", bold);
p.add(new Chunk(cc_cust_dob, regular));
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(p);

In iText 7, I never found a way to do this. Has anyone managed to do this in the latest version of iText? Note: I'm using C#, but Java would be helpful too.

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1 answer(s)
iText_A, 2018-11-07

Please read the documentation, paying particular attention to iText7: Building Blocks "Chapter 1: Introducing ... . In this chapter, you will learn that using iText7 it is much easier to switch fonts, because you can work with standard fonts and their sizes, you can define and reuse Styleobjects, etc.

PdfFont font = PdfFontFactory.createFont(FontConstants.TIMES_ROMAN);
Style code = new Style();
PdfFont monospace = PdfFontFactory.createFont(FontConstants.COURIER);
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
p.add(new Text("The Strange Case of ").addStyle(normal));
p.add(new Text("Dr. Jekyll").addStyle(code));
p.add(new Text(" and ").addStyle(normal));
p.add(new Text("Mr. Hyde").addStyle(code));
p.add(new Text(".").addStyle(normal));

First, we'll define Style, name it normal, and give it a Times-Roman font of 14pt. After that, we'll define Style, which we 'll name codeand give it a 12pt red Courier font with a gray background. After that, we'll create Paragraphthe , with Textobjects that use these styles.
Note that you can chain add()comments, as in the following example:
Text title1 = new Text("The Strange Case of ").setFontSize(12);
Text title2 = new Text("Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde").setFontSize(16);
Text author = new Text("Robert Louis Stevenson");
Paragraph p = new Paragraph().setFontSize(8)
    .add(title1).add(title2).add(" by ").add(author);

"Let's set the font size for the one we just created Paragraphto 8pt. This font size will be inherited by all objects added to Paragraphunless the objects override this default size. This applies to title1, for which we have specified a font size of 12pt, and title2for which we have specified a font size of 16pt. Content added as String( " by ") and content added as Textan object for which no font size has been defined inherit the 8pt font size from Paragraphthe in which they are added."
This is an excerpt from the official guide, and I hope it will suffice on StackOverflow, where link-only answers are discouraged. However, I believe that this rule should not lead to a copy-paste of an entire chapter of the manual.

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