FireShip2016-11-27 11:21:04
FireShip, 2016-11-27 11:21:04

Is working with files different on Linux and Windows?

Hey! Now from under Linux I am writing a program in which I will work with the file system.
For example, to get access to the "files" folder, which is located in the same place as the server file, "/files/" is passed to the function. On linux everything works great now, but I'm going to compile under windows, will it work there? It's like / == \ on the command line.

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2 answer(s)
Nikolai Romanovich, 2016-11-27

On Windows, both "\" and "/" can be used as path separators.

viai, 2016-12-04

Windows understands forward and backslashes. BUT. In practice, sometimes there were problems, in particular, when automating MS Word, it worked only with a backslash.

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