musinruslanmikhailovich2020-07-16 14:50:58
musinruslanmikhailovich, 2020-07-16 14:50:58

Is Win 10 Tweaker a virus?

If not, is it worth using it?


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5 answer(s)
Artem @Jump, 2020-07-16
curated by the

Of course not.
Common malware.
Where does a virus get a graphical interface from?
A virus is a program that "replicates" - it creates many copies of itself.

If not, is it worth using it?
If you want to disable the OS - it's worth it.

Ronald McDonald, 2020-07-16

This is a poor, unfinished craft, with which you will only harm the system.

Hemul GM, 2020-07-16

It's just shit software that helps ordinary users to shit in Windows. What you see are "false" positives of "heuristic" analyzers or just rough signatures

Mefist, 2020-08-30

I bought the PRO version, then upgraded the computer, changed the motherboard and processor, the FAQ on the site states that the transfer can be performed 1 time when updating the computer, although the program is tied to the hardware and there is no problem to cancel the activation to the old one and reactivate it to the new one. There was version 15.2 and a letter arrives in the mail that version 16 has been released and that the old version will not be updated and you need to download a new one and the activation code in the letter. I download the new version, select the item that I already have PRO and instead of offering to enter an activation code, I am offered to buy PRO again for 820r. no code, the program did not offer to enter anywhere. The most interesting thing is that the old version 15.2 continues to work with PRO status, and the new one asks for purchases. I contacted the author of the program by mail and indicated that the new version was not activated for me, but the old one works. To which I received an answer that he was not obliged to reactivate me at all, although it is spelled out in his own rules, and he wrote this using non-normative vocabulary addressed to me. The fact that the author is hiding from the tax authorities is understandable, although no, it’s not clear, they buy all over the Russian Federation and there are a lot of potential buyers, it would be possible to officially sell the program for a long time. That's why he does what he wants, since consumer protection does not apply to him. This does not concern me at all, whether it officially works or not, and the same applies to all users. We paid money for the license and the fact that it is taken away, this is a surprise. that the author is hiding from the tax authorities, this is understandable, although no, it’s not clear, they buy all over the Russian Federation and there are a lot of potential buyers, it would be possible to officially sell the program for a long time. That's why he does what he wants, since consumer protection does not apply to him. This does not concern me at all, whether it officially works or not, and the same applies to all users. We paid money for the license and the fact that it is taken away, this is a surprise. that the author is hiding from the tax authorities, this is understandable, although no, it’s not clear, they buy all over the Russian Federation and there are a lot of potential buyers, it would be possible to officially sell the program for a long time. That's why he does what he wants, since consumer protection does not apply to him. This does not concern me at all, whether it officially works or not, and the same applies to all users. We paid money for the license and the fact that it is taken away, this is a surprise.
I don’t recommend getting in touch, although the program is good, but the author does what he wants and it is not known when they will start asking you for money again.

SagePtr, 2020-07-16

Not a virus, but in crooked hands it can completely become malicious and ruin the performance of Windows. Antiviruses most likely suspect it for the reason that it can change Windows parameters in the registry, which some trojans do in order to reduce the security of the OS.
UPD: Starting from a certain version, the program secretly downloads third-party code from the official site and executes it under the highest privileges. There have been cases of malicious code spreading through this tool, so it can be concluded that the program is more malicious than useful, and it is extremely dangerous to use it. It does not differ much from the classic Trojan.Downloader, and in addition it has a "useful" function - the ability to kill the OS, moreover, it offers the user a choice of many methods of killing.

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