Artem Skopintsev2014-01-28 13:49:15
Artem Skopintsev, 2014-01-28 13:49:15

Is there somewhere a clear, simple explanation of graphs (in programming) and simple examples of problems with graphs?

I have been looking for and trying to learn these graphs for 2 days now. I dig Google - I find some cumbersome explanations with things that are still incomprehensible to me, complex tasks and their solutions.
Please help me understand these graphs, find a simple problem for a BEGINNER ^ 2 in this thread. Preferably in C++, but it doesn't really matter.
I will be very grateful!

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3 answer(s)
niosus, 2014-01-28

If you are fine with English, then look at topcoder.
There are a lot of different interesting tutorials here. In particular, and the one you need from three parts: here
. If English is bad, then start with it, and then move on to graphs.

mcleod095, 2014-01-28

So look at the graphs in mathematics.
Discrete Math.
The main thing is to understand what it is and why
I studied it for a long time, I have already forgotten everything, but for example, graphs are used to find the shortest path in Dijkstra's algorithm. The C program will be in lines 30-50.

Fat Lorrie, 2014-01-28

A programming language is just a tool with which to express an algorithm. If you do not understand the theory, you should take up a pen and paper and draw, paint the steps. And then to implement "in bronze" programs.
Threat Whatever they say, but without mathematics, programming is difficult.

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