Zakharov Alexander2015-05-25 07:42:15
Zakharov Alexander, 2015-05-25 07:42:15

Is there anything more convenient to work with Elastic than curl?

Experimenting with elasticsearch. I like him, but I'm already tired of "talking" with him via curl. Although the hands are somewhat stuffed on the console, it is very tiring to climb into the console for each sneeze. I know about plugins, but I'm interested in working with a schema, with import / export of data. Some analysis of improvised means showed that you can still use the fiddler2 composer scratchpad, but after a short time it stopped satisfying me. Does anyone have any suggestions on what else it would be possible to "communicate" with ES?
I would like to have something with IntellySense, but is it probably too "too"?

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3 answer(s)
God Emperor, 2015-05-25

Write your rest scripts. If curl does not suit you.

Alexandra Kalinina, 2015-05-29

To be honest, I didn’t use any of the above, but I liked Marvel (which is recommended by elasticsearchers themselves). How to install:
If installed, you'll see something like this when you refresh the window:
An extremely handy query debugger. You can run those queries that are currently needed (for each of them, the launch button is on the right). Validation + adequate tabs also work.
If you, like me, when you open the marvel page, it will give you something like this: Upgrade Required Your version of Elasticsearch is too old. Kibana requires Elasticsearch 0.90.9 or above
then you need to update the version of elasticsearch along with a bunch of tools (Logstash, Kibana), which you need to download from here and simply install as regular packages: https://www.elastic.co/downloads
To check which version of elasticsearch you currently have:
in the console: curl -XGET localhost:9200/_nodes/_all/process?pretty
in the browser localhost:9200/_nodes/_all/process?pretty
Also, if you don't want to use Marvel (which is very convenient), you can simply write queries in the browser:
localhost:9200 /_all/_settings

Alexander, 2015-05-25

JMeter, chrome-extension://aejoelaoggembcahagimdiliamlcdmfm/dhc.html and similar tools. Anything that can send http

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