Helper472020-08-17 02:37:56
Helper47, 2020-08-17 02:37:56

Is there any plugin that adds a convenient messenger for a social network based on buddyPress?

Created a social network based on buddyPress, but to tell the truth, the built-in messenger leaves much to be desired, are there any plugins that add a convenient messenger compatible with buddypress? Many thanks in advance for your advice!

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2 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-08-17

Created a social network based on buddyPress, but to tell the truth, the built-in messenger leaves much to be desired

In truth, social the WordPress-based network leaves much to be desired ...
I myself created a social network a couple of times. networks for residents of houses based on BuddyPress and I did not like it.
As an alternative, you can consider Ultimate Member or Wp Recall.

Victoria Syrosyeva, 2021-01-22

There is a chat plugin for WordPress that is fully integrated with BuddyPress. It is multifunctional: support chat, group and private chats between site users, video calls and other functions.
Group and private chats are combined in one widget. Also, this widget can be embedded in any block on the site.
On the free plan, you can use the text chat features without time limits.
Also, there are installation options both Saas-based and Self-Hosted.
Plugin in the WordPress directory.

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