jujoiso2020-08-09 16:27:50
C++ / C#
jujoiso, 2020-08-09 16:27:50

Is there an example-learning how to create a large-scale project in C#?

People, hello everyone.
I'm a relative noob in coding, I'm interested in the subject itself.
Smoked a lot of information on the language, articles, books, videos. It is very difficult to master the theoretical material without motivating practice. There are plenty of examples such as creating a guessing game and other primitives in the materials, but nothing worthwhile and more or less similar to what is relevant for real work / life does not come across at all. Perhaps you will advise some examples (audio / video / course / article / book - the form is not so important) where the creation of a large-scale project is discussed with commenting on what exactly is being done and why. A kind of learning by doing. By large-scale, I mean something more complicated than the level of examples from the school curriculum (priority desktop).
Many thanks in advance.

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1 answer(s)
#, 2020-08-09

what? ..
and so did not try? https://github.com/search?l=C%23&q=c%23&type=Repos...
ps or at least like this https://github.com/quozd/awesome-dotnet
pps or at least like this https://habr.com/ru/search/?q=C%23#h
ppps and yes, about the scale, an example yes, but obviously not for dummies with training - https://habr.com/ru/company/ targetix/blog/261745/

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