prostorsp2019-07-02 13:37:48
Sound processing
prostorsp, 2019-07-02 13:37:48

Is there an audio editor in which you can delete track fragments according to the list of intervals, which is specified in text or table form?

There is an audio track. There is a list of intervals that are needed in this audio track. Recommend an audio editor in which you can load (open) an audio file and a list of intervals. And get a track consisting of only the specified intervals

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2 answer(s)
PrAw, 2019-07-02

With a little fiddling around, ffmpeg/avconv from the command line can do it all.
In any scripting language (python, pearl, rnr), interaction is quite easy to attack.
Or even generate commands for the command line in excel ...
-ss 00:00:15 - start time
-t 00:00:30 - LENGTH
-acodec copy - copy without transcoding.
Logic - at first we saved all the segments as separate fragments, then they collected them into one large file
Under Windows:
Linux and you will find it yourself

amimotogo, 2019-07-02

Google "console audio editor"
Yes, at least: zenway.ru/page/sox

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