lololololo2018-05-13 19:25:45
lololololo, 2018-05-13 19:25:45

Is there an analogue of meta with stackexchange?

Is there an analogue of meta with stackexchange? How to add a tag here? And why are there no tags for python2 and python3?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-05-13

No. In part, the meta is replaced by questions with the tag "toster.ru".
Write to the administration justification of its necessity.
Because tags work a little differently on Toaster than they do on SO.

Maxim Fedorov, 2018-05-29

And why are there no tags for python2 and python3?
What's with the Yii2 tag?

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