Igor2014-07-09 17:37:07
Igor, 2014-07-09 17:37:07

Is there an alternative to Evernote?

Evernote does not suit me with the lack of offline in the free version on a mobile device and the ridiculous amount of traffic for synchronization. OneNote is an absolutely incomprehensible client on the BB (to be honest, I didn’t understand the logic of work at all) and in general, it’s overloaded, like many things in Microsoft :) Wiznote found - there is no web clipper and some bugs when creating notes. Plus Chinese, as a result - remote servers and slow synchronization. Nimbus Note - still damp, plus unknown, maybe it will close the day after tomorrow).
In general, I have several requirements:
1. A client on Windows and Android (preferably on OS X and iOS - just in case)
2. Offline access to the full content of notes (including photo attachments and others) on Android
3. Sufficient volume for synchronization (in Wiznote 500 MB and it's cool)
4. Web clipper for Firefox, Chrome and Android.
5. It is desirable to insert a code (in the same Wiznote there is such a button), but not necessary.
6. General consistency and stability of work.

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3 answer(s)
FoxInSox, 2014-07-09

IMHO, there is no competitor yet. I myself try to find it from time to time, but the number of such applications is only declining.

Bogdan, 2014-07-09

I use OneNote from Microsoft.
1. There are clients for everything, as well as a web version, desktop, and for Win8
2. It is also present, and many other functions
3. The volume is generally gorgeous, for a start, 5 GB seems to be the recording files are located in the OneDrive cloud storage
4. Not in the know
5. Similarly
6. I did not find any problems with this for the entire time of work.
In general, the program pleases. I use to write down ideas thoughts of poems and everything else)))

Victor Vedmich, 2014-07-16

Here I have onenote for connoisseurs - as a possible alternative to evernote. How are you inserting the code?
If a similar mechanism as in Wiznote?

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