philX2015-03-20 16:15:38
philX, 2015-03-20 16:15:38

Is there an adequate Java book? What do you need to learn to develop for Andriod, and what should you immediately cut off as superfluous?

I am almost a complete newbie in programming. He touched only a little on this topic, wrote several small programs in C, Perl, Lisp and Haskell. I still couldn't decide on a direction. So I decided that it was time to take up one thing and move in the direction of finding a job in this area. I have no education other than school. I'm already a little old, almost thirty. But I still want to try.
Actually, what are the questions. As I understand it, Java is better suited for my purposes, since there is always a demand for Java programmers and their salaries are sane. The web does not interest me at all, so I need to look for something else - this is where the idea of ​​​​Android came up. But this is not a fact yet .. perhaps Java has some other interesting application. So, everywhere they offer the same book by Schildt. I read it a little, flipped through it diagonally .. it is incredibly healthy, while there are really no code examples, and there is too much water. Is there something sane in Java? After all, there are normal books on other languages: "K&R", "Learning Perl", "Practical Common Lisp", "Learn Haskell in the Name of Good"...
Can you tell me what? What to read, what to learn, what to do

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4 answer(s)
alk, 2015-03-20

Schildt's book on Java is primarily a reference book. There you can find answers to all the questions that are given at the interview, and there are plenty of examples.
From books that are easy to drink, I advise Head First Java (available in Russian)

Maxim Gavrilov, 2015-03-20

Instead of Shieldt, I would recommend Shieldd! As a last resort, if Schildt does not do anything at all, I will recommend Schildt's book. I can also recommend Lukyanenko because programming cannot be studied diagonally. Programming is a rather dreary, rather boring profession in which you have to be careful and read line by line, page by page, chapter by chapter, carefully delving into the essence of what is written, rereading incomprehensible places and parsing them with the help of Google.
And Lukyanenko has quite decent modern fiction! You can have fun and not get bored.
Therefore, either Schildt or Lukyanenko.
P.S. Schildt is one of the easiest books to read in one breath.

gadzhi15, 2015-03-20

Take a look at the Java course on hexlet.io

Rishad Mustafaev, 2015-03-20

I can say right away that you can’t get away from the web today. An Android application that is not connected to the Internet in any way costs a penny and the demand for such is minimal. Therefore, in most cases, the server part will have to be written. This is first. Second, don't read any books. You can gain experience only on projects, and all the information is on the Internet. Since you have 0 ideas about how android works, you need to take the smallest possible steps.
First, deploy the development environment. Google it! "How to set up a development environment for android". Immediately links how to install Android Studio and stuff. In the studio already create a new project, let's say "Navigation Drawer Activity". Here is an example of a finished application with a side shade. Start reading the code line by line. What is an Activity, what is an OptionsMenu, what is a Fragment. Any incomprehensible word - go to the Internet.
Knowledge that is not supported by practice immediately disappears, as a rule. In any case, that's how it is for me. Therefore, as soon as you read what an Activity is, create another project, already "Blank Activity". Play it, do whatever you want. In short, practice. Change the line extends in the Activity class. Don't know what extends is? OK! Google! Etc.
In my experience, you will never learn until you create and play with code yourself. All questions have answers on the Internet. And, as a rule, you can get them much faster than in books.
I am not saying that books are not needed. But it's definitely not worth it to start with them. That's when you make a couple of applications, the simplest ones, when you get a job, then it will already be necessary to systematically fill holes in background knowledge. And if you start with this right away, maybe it is more correct, but you will kill your enthusiasm very quickly. It is a fact.

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