Pesetsu2019-04-08 22:57:24
Pesetsu, 2019-04-08 22:57:24

Is there a web developer day?

The fact that the day of the programmer exists is good. But the web is different, I wanted to know if we have a day when we can ask the authorities for a certificate for craft beer and a ticket to Starbucks.

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Gololobov, 2019-04-09

Well, what about 4.04?

Satangelus, 2019-04-09

Agatha Augusta Lovelace was born on December 10, 1815. The first officially documented programmer on our planet. Invented the concepts of "algorithm" and "variable".
Z.Y.Zh. True, if the boss cuts a chip, then it’s better not to tune in to craft beer and a Starbucks subscription, but it’s worth asking to buy new technical literature and pay for some cool courses.

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