Alexander Karabanov2020-07-02 17:21:55
Alexander Karabanov, 2020-07-02 17:21:55

Is there a tool to simulate various database problems?


There is a need, as part of testing, to check how the application will behave in case of problems with the database, for example, such as:

  • server drops connection
  • it takes a considerable amount of time before it is possible to open a connection to the server
  • the server is slow in executing requests
  • the server responds with an error (wrong request syntax, etc.)

Please tell me if there is a tool that can "pretend to be" a database and simulate the above problems?

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2 answer(s)
Roman Mirilaczvili, 2020-07-03


Toxiproxy is a framework for simulating network conditions. It's made specifically to work in testing, CI and development environments, supporting deterministic tampering with connections, but with support for randomized chaos and customization.

Stanislav Bodrov, 2020-07-05

Regular user. Let people play around, as a bonus they will get a laid server (the slower the server responds, the more harmful the request). They will dig up something that no analyzer will find.

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