martensit2016-03-02 02:54:52
Search Engine Optimization
martensit, 2016-03-02 02:54:52

Is there a software for uniqueizing pictures - which, when uploading 1 photo, gives a lot of different options at the output?

Is there a software for uniqueizing pictures - which, when uploading 1 photo, gives a lot of different options at the output, with random changes in different parameters?
Or how to automate the whole thing as much as possible. If, say, there are not many images, but at the output you need to get a bunch of options

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2 answer(s)
Sergey, 2016-03-02

what changes do you want? Why didn't you like Actions in Photoshop?

ThunderCat, 2016-03-02

As an option - twist at different angles, + zoom + reversal mirror. In pairs / 3 filters at a time and here's the uniqueness for you.

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