g_oo_gle2015-10-06 00:11:40
g_oo_gle, 2015-10-06 00:11:40

Is there a separate table with likes for each article?

For each article, store a separate table with records about users who liked it?
Or is there another way out?

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4 answer(s)
Sergey, 2015-10-06

Normal Form
Roughly speaking, likes are a many-to-many relationship between articles and users. If you need to store additional information (like the time the user liked), then an intermediate table is entered and linked to both users and articles.

AlikDex, 2015-10-06

remembering the last question of this user, I will say the following:
Yes, each article needs its own table with likes :D
All the best =)

fedot1325, 2015-10-06

id | user_id | article_id
SELECT user_id FROM article_likes WHERE article_id=x

Alexey, 2015-10-06

The table with likes should simply contain fields with the id of the article and the id or ip of the user

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