DROS2019-12-24 12:09:44
DROS, 2019-12-24 12:09:44

Is there a portable program for storing code snippets without being tied to an editor / IDE?

We need a portable solution for storing pieces of code (under windows) without being tied to editors and IDEs. Since you have to work on different machines, and organizing synchronization between them is sometimes simply impossible. Online storage is also not suitable, because sometimes I go where there is no Internet in principle.
All found solutions are tailored for Sublime/Notepad++/VSCode etc. But, again, if the above mentioned software is installed on the machine, then there is a problem of synchronization of snippets. If the solution is portable, then there is no integration into the OS (and not everywhere there are admin rights to such manipulations with binding portables to the operating system).

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1 answer(s)
DevMan, 2019-12-24

Yes, 100500 of them, for any platform.
e.g. https://www.slant.co/topics/7247/~code-snippets-manager

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