Anton Piskunov2016-09-15 22:59:43
Software design
Anton Piskunov, 2016-09-15 22:59:43

Is there a MySQL Workbench equivalent for class architecture planning, in PHP and GO for example?

Is there a MySQL Workbench equivalent for class architecture planning, in PHP and GO for example?

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3 answer(s)
Cat Anton, 2016-09-15


sim3x, 2016-09-16

It makes no sense to generate if you don't use it right away in ORM
ORM can do this without diagrams

Nikita, 2016-09-16

If you use Visual Studio, then there are UML diagrams, someone uses it.
I used Visual Paradigm about 2 years ago for architecture sketches, but I don’t remember exactly if it would be possible to describe everything in detail there.
On my own behalf, I’ll say that this is a disastrous thing - without decent code generation (and where xs is, I’m most interested) this will only complicate everything. And specialized tools are so complex and expensive that the likelihood that you will work with people who use this tool is close to zero.

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