unclechu2014-09-26 04:13:49
unclechu, 2014-09-26 04:13:49

Is there a LESS Hat equivalent for SASS (SCSS)?

I am gradually moving from Less to SASS, under Less there is an excellent set of mixins , with which you can not specify a bunch of prefixes and alternative implementations of CSS properties for any IE. Is there something similar for SASS? Or will you have to assemble such a gentleman 's bike set yourself?
UPD: The task is to do without unnecessary dependencies (only Node.JS), Compass is not suitable due to the dependence on Ruby.

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3 answer(s)
unclechu, 2014-10-02

Judging by the responses, the answer is “no”. Compass has been suggested, but it is Ruby dependent, which doesn't match the UPD flag .

Sergey, 2014-09-26
Protko @Fesor

Why if there is an autoprefixer? For a set of mixins like .size?

zooks, 2014-09-26

For SASS there is Compass - mixins and hacks for ancient browsers like IE6-8, prefixes and many other useful tools.

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