Nonymore2013-12-07 14:08:40
Nonymore, 2013-12-07 14:08:40

Is there a Java interpreter without an environment, like console ones?

I'm going to learn Java, I don't intend to program right away in the environment. Notepad++ will be used for coding. Tell me, is there a Java interpreter without an environment, like console ones? For I installed IntelliJ IDEA and I couldn’t even create a project properly. No experience or knowledge yet.
And at the same time they could suggest what materials to start with.
As a target - web applications for android, ios.
Thanks in advance.

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5 answer(s)
FanKiLL, 2013-12-07

public class HelloWorld { 
   public static void main(String[] args) { 
      System.out.println("Hello, World");

Compile: javac HelloWorld.java
Run: java HelloWorld
Install Eclipse and don't suffer.

Dmitry, 2013-12-07

It's better to deal with IDEA after all, because. this will save you a lot of time in the future. Read the docs, watch development video courses, and everything will fall into place.

IDOL1234, 2013-12-07

Writing code in notepad is not the best idea. Very uncomfortable. Try netbeans, it's much clearer than IDEA.
And yes, if android - then eclipse. Other environments are very buggy when developed for it. I didn’t get the idea at all, and the nbandroid plugin for netbins is very buggy when working with menus, in addition, there is no layout editor. But for studying Java, I do not advise you to use Eclipse, it is extremely flawed.
Learning a language by Q/A is not an option. Look for the book and read it completely, without it nothing will come of it.

Vasily, 2013-12-07

Tell me, is there a Java interpreter without an environment, like console ones?

There is

Timur, 2013-12-07

We started in college with JCreator LE . This is such an advanced notepad. It wasn't until the end of the first year that I switched to Eclipse.
www.jcreator.org/download.htm try to pee simple things on it.
The LE version is free.

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