frosty77777772015-03-04 09:25:04
frosty7777777, 2015-03-04 09:25:04

Is there a feature in popular text editors to start a new line across a line?

I explain the essence of the issue:

Practically everywhere it is possible to go to a new line from the middle of the current line, for example, we print the name of the method:

void test(int i/*cursor here, press Shift + Enter in Idea*/) {
/*cursor is here*/

In practice, we constantly have to deal with the following situation:

void test(int i) {
/*cursor here*/
/*a must be here*/

I.e. you need to jump over the bracket.

Without resorting to the mouse, this can be done with arrows ... But maybe there is a more geeky way? :)

How do you personally act in this case?

Thanks in advance!

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2 answer(s)
SilentFl, 2015-03-04

very confusing question. in vim if you want to go one line down - j (or even just enter), two lines down - 2j; want to enter a new line under the current one - press o; move one line/paragraph forward - brackets ) or }

Roman Konofeev, 2015-04-07

As far as I understand, you just described the snippet technique. There are more possibilities there.
Read habrahabr.ru/post/125355

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