Cow_a_banga2018-03-25 10:24:04
Neural networks
Cow_a_banga, 2018-03-25 10:24:04

Is there a difference between the McCulloch-Pitts model and the Rosenblatt perceptron, and what is it?

I am writing a research paper on neural networks, I came across two of these models, but I can’t find the info: how do they differ.
I would be grateful for any input, thanks

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2 answer(s)
dmshar, 2018-03-25

Interestingly, they are now writing a "research" paper, having banned themselves in Google? The same question is revealed on the first pages of any book on neural networks.
Well, the very first link in Google:
- on the third page about McCulloch-Pitts, on the fourth about Rosenblatt.
And here - in general, everything is on one page:

⚡ Kotobotov ⚡, 2018-03-25

the McCulloch-Pitts model is a mathematical model of the
Rosenblatt perceptron is the physical implementation of the model.
i.e. talking about the same thing

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