#D3m02021-07-03 17:04:44
#D3m0, 2021-07-03 17:04:44

Is there a converter from aiogram to telebot?

I found the game code for the bot
, but it is for aiograms, I don’t understand it and I can’t redo it myself ..

@dp.message_handler(regexp=r"(^Куб|куб) ?(\d+)? ?(\d+)?")
async def process_start_command(message: types.Message):
    stts = cur.execute("SELECT user_status from users where userid = ?", (message.from_user.id,)).fetchone()
    status = (stts[0])
    command_parse = re.compile(r"(^Куб|куб) ?(\d+)? ?(\d+)?")
    parsed = command_parse.match(message.text)
    dice_value = parsed.group(2)
    dice_value = int(dice_value)
    summ = parsed.group(3)
    summ = (summ)
    name1 = message.from_user.get_mention(as_html=True)
    if str(status) == 'Спонсор бота':
        if int(summ) <= int(275000000000):
            if dice_value > 6:
                await message.reply(f"<b>{name1}</b> введите сообщение в формате: \n<b>Куб (число от 1 до 6) (ставка)</b>", parse_mode='html')
                if not summ:
                    await message.reply(f"<b>{name1}</b> введите сообщение в формате: \n<b>Куб (число от 1 до 6) (ставка)</b>", parse_mode='html')
                    if not dice_value:
                        await message.reply(f"<b>{name1}</b> введите сообщение в формате: \n<b>Куб (число от 1 до 6) (ставка)</b>", parse_mode='html')
                        balanc = cur.execute("SELECT balance from users where userid = ?", (message.from_user.id,)).fetchone()
                        balance = (balanc[0])
                        summ = int(summ)
                        if balance >= summ:

                            dice_value = int(dice_value)
                            bot_data = await bot.send_dice (message.chat.id)
                            bot_data = bot_data['dice']['value']
                            plus = bot_data + 1
                            minus = bot_data - 1
                            summ2 = summ * 10
                            data = {}
                            data["suma"] = summ
                            data['user_id'] = message.from_user.id
                            data1 = {}
                            data1["suma"] = summ2
                            data1['user_id'] = message.from_user.id
                            await sleep(5)

                            if bot_data > dice_value:
                                await message.reply( f'{name1} ты проиграл(а) <b>{summ}</b>', parse_mode='html')
                                cur.execute("""UPDATE users SET balance = balance - :suma WHERE userid = :user_id;""", data)

                            elif bot_data < dice_value:
                                await message.reply( f'{name1} ты проиграл(а) <b>{summ}</b>', parse_mode='html')
                                cur.execute("""UPDATE users SET balance = balance - :suma WHERE userid = :user_id;""", data)

                                await message.reply( f'{name1} ты выиграл(а) <b>{summ2}</b>', parse_mode='html')
                                cur.execute("""UPDATE users SET balance = balance + :suma WHERE userid = :user_id;""", data1)

                        elif balance < summ:
                            balanc = cur.execute("SELECT balance from users where userid = ?", (message.from_user.id,)).fetchone()
                            balance = (balanc[0])
                            await message.reply( f'{name1} у тебя нет столько \nТвой баланс:{balance} ', parse_mode='html')
            await message.reply( f'{name1} нельзя играть на сумы более <code>275000000000</code>', parse_mode='html')

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1 answer(s)
Andrew, 2021-07-03

Is there a converter from aiogram to telebot?

Such a converter is called a developer.
On the subject of the question:
Open the documentation in the library, study (at the same time it is worth pulling up Python), rewrite (you can not rewrite, but continue writing with the newly mastered library)

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