interprise2018-12-14 23:58:37
C++ / C#
interprise, 2018-12-14 23:58:37

Is there a book similar to C++ for Professionals?

Maybe someone knows a book where C++-related issues are studied deeper than is usually accepted.
A great example of such a book is Jeff Alger's C++ for Real Programmers, but let's be honest, it was released a long time ago and doesn't cover modern aspects of the language.
Is there something similar, but more modern?

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1 answer(s)
Vasily Sorokin, 2018-12-15

Well, in terms of modern pluses, I would recommend reading these:
1. Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14.
2. C++ Concurrency in Action Practical Multithreading
3. C++17 STL Cookbook: Discover the latest enhancements to functional programming and lambda expressions

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