trambi2018-04-01 13:26:23
Search Engine Optimization
trambi, 2018-04-01 13:26:23

Is the text unique if it is indexed by the PS as pdf?

The question is: Is text unique if it only occurs in PDFs on different sites?
Text uniqueness analyzers give different results. ETXT, text ru, content watch, show uniqueness 100. Advego - shows not unique.
And maybe you can tell me - what service (or bundle) do you use to check the uniqueness of the text?

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2 answer(s)
Exploding, 2018-04-01

If you rephrase your question, you get something like this:
"Maybe Google still won't be able to find what advego found? Is it worth feeding such content to Google or I'll burn myself?" :)
As for me - if at least one service has found a match, no matter in pdf, in excel or somewhere else, it will easily find (and most likely found it a long time ago) and Google.
Does it make sense to add such content to yourself?

Puma Thailand, 2018-04-01


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