turbolizard2022-01-24 20:37:59
turbolizard, 2022-01-24 20:37:59

Is the offset different for different partitions of the same Kafka topic?

There is a Kafka cluster from one broker. The broker has a topic with three partitions. Let's say that there is one producer who, according to tricky mechanics, posts messages to kafka in different partitions based on mathematical manipulations with the UUID key. The topic has two cosumers in one group, one reads two partitions, the second reads only one. Question: is the offset of the partitions synchronized so that a group of two cosumers does not read the same thing, or does each partition have its own offset, according to which consumers make a pull based on the last committed offset only to their partition?

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1 answer(s)
Michael, 2022-01-24

Each consumer reads its own partitions and each partition has its own offset.

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