hiddenproger2020-03-02 17:59:16
hiddenproger, 2020-03-02 17:59:16

Is the loader icon for network requests obsolete?

There are two tabs in the application, the data after tapping on the tab is loaded with a regular ajax request, I suggest showing the loader icon in the center of the screen for users with slow internet and displaying the data after they are loaded. The developer of the android application says that using the loader is an outdated guide and wants to load data by tap without any loaders. But in my opinion, then the interface becomes not entirely responsive, I am guided by point 11 of this guide https://habr.com/ru/company/edison/blog/474472/
Is the loader outdated in the mobile application interface?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Yudakov, 2020-03-03

You are guided correctly.
Google also writes that visual feedback is required in such cases:

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