DK2012-05-10 00:03:01
DK, 2012-05-10 00:03:01

Is the headphone cable with iphone remote compatible with a regular player?

I have cowon d2+, I want to buy Klipsch m40 for it .
There are two cables in the kit: regular and i-cable. Will the second one work for this player? It is clear that the buttons will not respond, the sound quality is of interest

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3 answer(s)
SergeyGrigorev, 2012-05-10

The sister connected the headphones from the iphone to the laptop. Everything worked without problems, the sound is normal, I did not notice any distortion.

petushok, 2012-05-10

Yes, it does.

Oleg Karnaukhov, 2012-05-10

The sound is ok, but there are problems with the buttons. The Play button works on the phone / tablet, but the volume buttons do not work.

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