iscateli2021-12-22 22:45:04
iscateli, 2021-12-22 22:45:04

Is the finally block always executed?

Bruce Eckel in "Java Philosophy" writes on page 388 that

the finally block is always executed

but on page 400 is the exact opposite statement that it may not be fulfilled
if the construction fails, the finally block is not executed

context from the book for the second statement with sample code:
//: exceptions/Cleanup.java
// Гарантированное освобождение ресурса
public class Cleanup {
public static void main(String[] args) {
  try {
     lnputFile in = new InputFile("Cleanup.java")j
     try {
       String s;
       int i = 1;
       while((s = in.getLine()) != null)
             ; // Обработка данных по строкам...
  } catch(Exception e) {
     System.0ut.println("Перехвачено исключение Exception в main");
     e .printStackTrace(System.out);
  } finally {
} catch(Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Ошибка при конструировании InputFile");
} /* Output:
dispose() успешен

Take a closer look at the logic behind what's going on: the lnputFile object is actually
constructed in its own try block. If a construction error occurs
, the program enters the outer catch block and the dispose() method is not called. But if
the construction succeeds, you need to make sure that the object is finished with, so a new try block is created
immediately after the construction .
The finally block that performs the final actions is linked to the inner try block; if the construction fails, the finally block is not executed , but it will always be executed if the construction succeeds

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2 answer(s)
Vamp, 2021-12-23

The author writes correctly. If an exception is thrown on the line lnputFile in = new InputFile("Cleanup.java")j , then it will immediately fall into catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error constructing InputFile"); } . Here, the finally is not executed, since the execution of the code does not enter the try block to which that finally is attached.
But if an exception is thrown somewhere inside the while((s = in.getLine()) != null) loop , then the inner catch block and finally block will fire. The outer catch will not be executed.

What if you execute System.exit() in a try or catch block?

In such a case, the finally block will not be executed, as the System.exit() javadoc clearly says "This method never returns normally." And since the method does not return control, then the try block is not executed to the end, respectively, finally does not start.

Maxim Fedorov, 2021-12-22

finally is always executed

Why questions? I haven’t seen Java in my eyes, but it’s a matter of minutes to check

case 1 (exception is caught at the same level)


case 2 (the exception crashes to a higher level)


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