Slavka2016-07-02 01:40:39
Slavka, 2016-07-02 01:40:39

Is it worth torturing Xi?

Since recently, when I started to program controllers, I delved into the C language and, oddly enough, fell in love with it, but I can’t find any more use for it in my life. And that's the question: what could one write for oneself in Linux? Is it worth it to try to develop GUI applications for yourself on it, or to score in favor of Python and C ++ (PyQt, Qt)?

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3 answer(s)
Vladimir Martyanov, 2016-07-02

From this one, you can easily switch to any C-like language: C ++, JS, PHP, and so on. So feel free to learn what you need to work with Qt from the pros and go.

Rou1997, 2016-07-02

"Hamming nails with a microscope" is not worth it, everything has its own use, find real tasks, they are also for C, you should not write GUI in C, but "GUI applications" include not only GUI, some components should also be written in machine codes ".

Mikhail Beloshitsky, 2016-07-03

Usually in C in Linux, console utilities a-la tcpdump or coreutils are written, which "do only one task, but they do it well" and which have increased cross-platform requirements.
You definitely shouldn't start writing a GUI in C. Try to start writing it in python or crosses. When you learn, in some cases it will be acceptable to write in C, but only if there is no way out - for example, you are finalizing some xfce that is already written in C, or command requirements rigidly determine the writing language. But I still advise you to get the initial experience with the GUI in a language with objects. That in Qt, that in Gtk everything is built on objects, and starting with C, you will not fully understand "why they did this."

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