maxvinogradov2021-08-14 19:18:18
maxvinogradov, 2021-08-14 19:18:18

Is it worth throwing custom errors if the etity is not found in the API?

I think it's worth throwing your own exceptions if something is not found. On the one hand, this is logical and there will be no errors from Spring data JPA like EntityNotFoundException and much less understandable errors. But on the other hand, if everything is configured correctly from the front, then such situations should not happen. Also, Java will concatenate the strings that I pass to the error, even if there was no error.

I'm just learning and don't understand, here is an example of two code options.

First, I'm only concerned about string concatenation.

public VoteDTO getByid(int voteId) {
        Vote vote = voteRepository.getById(voteId);
        Optional<Vote> voteOptional = voteRepository.findById(voteId);
        if(voteOptional.isEmpty()) {
            throw new ApiException("Vote with id " + id  + 
                    "is not in DB");
    return toVoteDto(voteOptional.get());

And the second without such a check (Spring will throw its own exceptions if the Entity is not found, but is this a problem? )

public VoteDTO getByid(int voteId) {
    Vote vote = voteRepository.getById(voteId);
    return toVoteDto(vote);

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4 answer(s)
Orkhan, 2021-08-14

Good afternoon!
It probably depends on how you agree with the team.
You can throw custom actions, and then catch them in the Controller or ControllerAdvice and send the appropriate message to the client with an error code.
It is also possible to wrap an entity in an Optional and throw an exception orElseThrow()or return another object ( orElse()) or a new object, etc.

Optional<Vote> voteOptional = voteRepository.findById(voteId);
        if(voteOptional.isEmpty()) {
            throw new ApiException("Vote with id " + id  + 
                    "is not in DB");

It can also be simplified:
Vote vote = voteRepository.findById(voteId).orElseThrow(VoteNotFoundException::new);

But on the other hand, if everything is configured correctly from the front, then such situations should not happen.

no need to rely on the client. For example, a person can make a request himself using Postman and pass an incorrect value.

Ruslan., 2021-08-14

It makes sense to throw your own exception class if you have a handler described for this class, which will generate a business-correct http response, for example.
Here it is described how to do it
And the strings do not have to be concatenated, you can use StringBuilder or String.format() for example.

BorLaze, 2021-08-14

Is it worth throwing custom errors

Yes. The front does not need to know at all what is organized there and how it is organized at the repository level.
I'm only concerned about string concatenation

So don't concatenate.
Use String.format()
throw new ApiException(String.format("Vote with id %d is not in DB", voteId));

or, if ApiException is yours, hide this logic in general in the constructor
public ApiException(String format, Object... parameters) {

and throw an exception like
throw new ApiException("Vote with id %d is not in DB", voteId);

Denis Zagaevsky, 2021-08-15

I'm only concerned about string concatenation.

throws an exception in the business logic

L - Logic.
Collecting the stack trace when an exception is thrown is much, much more expensive than any string concatenation.
No need to use exceptions for business logic! An unfound entity is not an exceptional, but a regular situation.

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