awfun2020-01-07 22:52:52
awfun, 2020-01-07 22:52:52

Is it worth retraining as an android developer?

Good day. I have been working as a server-side java developer since 2014, and in general I am satisfied with everything. Two points push me to the question of changing the stack:
- In the future, I would like to start my own project, and I see it as a mobile application
- Judging by hh, banks mainly offer high salaries to server workers, and more interesting business projects are not ready to pay as many. For android developers, projects look more diverse.
Therefore, I would be interested to know how difficult it would be to retrain for android development, do areas of knowledge overlap a lot? Of course, I don't want to stay in juniors for a long time, and I don't need to figure out how HashMap works or why write tests.
I would also be happy if android developers indicate what are the most annoying factors in their work.
Thank you!

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4 answer(s)
#, 2020-01-08

IMHO there are two options to really change something .. not so, where it is worth anchoring :
- you do what you fucking like, and you are also paid for it
- maybe you are already sick of what you are doing, but you are already you do it so awesome that you get paid so much that in general you don’t feel sick anymore
.. everything else is petty fuss

Dimonchik, 2020-01-08

- In the future, I would like to start my own project, and I see it as a mobile application

very stupid

asd111, 2020-01-08

From annoying:
1) Perhaps the most annoying factor is the transition from Java to Kotlin because not all projects are switching to Kotlin, and Java language developers in addition promise to introduce features similar to Kotlin in new versions, and then it is not clear whether the transition will be reversed or not.
2) Kotlin native appears little by little which is also different from Java and essentially requires manual memory management.
3) the application can be written in react native and, again, knowledge of java is not needed in this case, but since you are an android developer, you should be aware of how things are going there in order to write in react native if necessary.

Alexander Krivitsky, 2020-01-09


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