Kirill Savinov2018-10-03 11:21:47
Kirill Savinov, 2018-10-03 11:21:47

Is it worth it to take on difficult tasks?

I know OOP, I can calmly explain what, for what and why. I know Java Core at the Collections Framework level (I know what collections are, where and what collections should be used). Is it worth it to take on complex tasks, for example, I want to write a bot for VK Api, so that it takes a college schedule from an XML file, takes schedule changes from an XML table on the site, writes me every day at 8 am about what the schedule is today and what changes came to the schedule for today. You can't go into an example. It just torments the question of whether it was worth starting to do this with such knowledge. On the Internet, everyone writes that you need to take on a difficult task (if you have basic knowledge) and solve it, in the end they say that you will get a good result and experience, that you will learn everything in the course of solving the problem. Is it worth doing all this? Or is it better to study like in school,
What scares me is that this is not usual for me (as they taught at school: "first learn, then do").
So, I want to know the answer from those who have tried this scheme (there is some kind of knowledge base - now do complex things).
The question is global, it is not necessary to answer the specific example above.
Strongly do not kick for the incorrectness of the question, the first time I write to the forum.

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3 answer(s)
Frozen Coder, 2018-10-03

"To hell with everything! Take it and do it!" :)
You described a simple task (I didn’t write bots for VK, but for Telegram it’s done once or twice, and with XML in java they just didn’t do + Spring’s family of frameworks that cover a lot of everything), but for your knowledge it will be the most to study. This is a real project that you will use. And not a synthetic example from a book.
Immediately start doing without hesitation. This is how the most productive study goes - there is a problem, you don’t know how to do it, you learn it and do it. The main thing is to eat the elephant in parts, decompose the task into subtasks to the maximum and slowly saw them one by one.

Conacry, 2018-10-03

Definitely worth it. You will never improve your knowledge if you do not take on more difficult tasks each time.
From a personal example.
After reading Schildt (Beginner's Guide), I immediately set myself a more difficult task - to write a web service and a client for it (in JavaFX), and in the process of writing the service I got acquainted with new technologies. I put the project on pause while I was mastering a new framework, rewrote it several times. But in the end it gave much more knowledge.
And in this way you will learn everything faster.

Alexey Cheremisin, 2018-10-03

Of course take it! Moreover, the task is not at all difficult!
First, deal with jaxckson, well, and master the VK api.

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