satask2015-11-14 02:39:16
Web development
satask, 2015-11-14 02:39:16

Is it worth it to make it possible to download videos from the site?

The website has a Video section. There are many interesting videos there. They are played through the html video player, ie. By default, they cannot be downloaded. Should I put a download link under the video? On the one hand, it is convenient and there is a need for it. But on the other hand, the question arises: why do many large resources, such as YouTube, vk, vimeo, etc., do not allow users to download videos?
Will the “download” link increase the loyalty of visitors to the resource? What are the pitfalls and disadvantages of providing the ability to download videos from the site?

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4 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2015-11-14

But on the other hand, the question arises: why do many large resources, such as YouTube, vk, vimeo, etc., do not allow users to download videos?
They make money off them!
If you DO NOT make money on advertising in video clips on your site, then the "download" link will not be superfluous. Especially if the relevance of the videos tends to infinity.

Alexey Ukolov, 2015-11-14

The ability to download videos is always a plus for the user. Therefore, of course, loyalty will increase (but this is immeasurable, so there is no point in talking about it). But for the site owner, this is almost always a minus:
Since any item on this list can be counterargued and counterarguments to these counterarguments, it is up to you to decide based on your specific situation.
I have a wide internet, but I constantly download videos:

  1. They can be downloaded to your mobile phone and watched on the go.
  2. You can watch them when there is no internet.
  3. It is much easier for me to find a video in a collection than to remember where I watched it.
  4. The interface of online players is inconvenient for me, I prefer to watch in the player in which I watch everything else.
  5. Even with a wide channel, there are problems with viewing. I would rather wait 10 minutes longer for the video to download in the highest quality available than watch it in the worst quality or with constant delays.
  6. I see no reason to drive the same bytes over the network.

Uwe_Boll, 2015-11-14

if they want to download it, they will download it anyway and you can’t get away from it

Alexander Taratin, 2015-11-14

The only video that I have ever downloaded from the site is a video about cleaning a laptop.
IMHO, in 2015, such an opportunity is not needed.
Now the Internet is wide for everyone, if they want to look again, they will look from the site.

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