tyoma_koder2021-01-04 15:50:25
tyoma_koder, 2021-01-04 15:50:25

Is it worth installing windows on ssd?

The problem is that ssd has a limited number of overwrites, but how often does Windows create / delete its files? What happens when the number of ssd overwrites ends?

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10 answer(s)
Vladimir Korotenko, 2021-01-04

Wheels are consumables, treat them accordingly. If you care so much, then create a backup on hgst and in the cloud and don't worry. 20 minutes and the system is back with you

illuzor, 2021-01-04

Again, these stupid tales from the times of win xp.
The operating system should be installed exclusively on ssd.
With an average home use, the disk will last for 10 years or more.

Dim Boy, 2021-01-04

I think you should not install an SSD, and I advise you to go to one site google.com

Alexander Talalaev, 2021-01-04

Of course it's worth it. For a resource, do not worry, you will have enough. The only thing is desirable not to score to the eyeballs in order to maintain high performance when writing new data, and the rest of the nuances are already taken over by Windows itself and the software in the disk firmware. You can’t jump over your head there either, there are often times when the speed will drop. BUT! this is normal, in any case, the performance boost compared to the classic hdd is huge, you won’t want to return.

Vasily Bannikov, 2021-01-04

Is it worth installing windows on ssd?

The problem is that the ssd has a limited number of overwrites.

Yes, there is such a thing, but in order to completely exhaust the SSD resource of even the cheapest qlc, you need to overwrite the disk around the clock at maximum speed for 5 years in a row.
but how often does Windows create/delete its files?

Well, in principle, except for swap, then no more often than a user.
What happens when the number of ssd overwrites ends?

It will no longer be possible to write or delete anything on the SSD.
In general, the increase in speed is worth it.

Artem @Jump, 2021-01-04
curated by the

Is it worth installing windows on ssd?
Are there options?
The system is put only on SSD for ten years. Well, not to sculpt it on the HDD, in fact.
The problem is that the ssd has a limited number of overwrites.
Yes, both HDD and SSD are not eternal, and they have a limited resource, so they will fail.
but how often does Windows create/delete its files?
Very often, that's why they put it on an SSD.
What happens when the number of ssd overwrites ends?
A piece of plastic with microchips that can be used as a tea mug holder.

Dr. Bacon, 2021-01-04

It's not worth it, otherwise after a few years, ssd will stop working.

acwartz, 2021-01-04

You won't wait for a failure, they are designed to last, and moreover, there are control systems so that rewrite cycles do not accumulate, but are evenly distributed. Rather, during this time, buy a new device.
What will happen? But nothing. The operating system (at least 10) will inform you that the SDD is becoming unusable and needs to be replaced. For others, you can put some kind of monitor that will sit in the tray for 10 years to tell you that 60% of the SSD is dead, and it would be necessary to replace it. Most often, the suppliers themselves provide such software. The same Samsung magican for their SSDs. Installed and no problems.

Mr_Vasak, 2021-01-04

Yes, put windows on an SSD
. It will be very fast and turn on in 5 seconds, but it can take a minute on an HDD.

HpProBookAMD, 2021-01-05

The old laptop on the ssd is loaded in 15 seconds, how the plane works compared to hdd
And the fact that it fails is solved by using the old HD as a flash drive.

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