eternal_blue2020-09-05 11:23:57
eternal_blue, 2020-09-05 11:23:57

Is it possible to use the VK API without creating an application?

Hello, I need to parse friends by user id. I used to think that you can just write a parser using, for example, the simple html library, but there is some kind of ingenious system of a pop-up window with friends on the site, in general, I don’t know how to parse this. Then the idea arose to simply use the VK API, but you need to create an application there, and to create an application you need to confirm the number, and for some reason I don’t have access to the number to which the page is linked, and changing the number takes 7 days ... In the general question is, can I use something like this in the code

$data = include "https://api.vk.com/method/users.get?user_id=210700286&v=5.52"

Maybe you can pass some tokens and so on to the request, because such a request returns an authorization error.
Also, optionally, maybe you know another possibility, it's easier to parse friends. Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
bublik1337, 2020-09-07

https://vkhost.github.io/ on this site we get a token from any application (select the one you need, click allow and copy the token from the address bar)
make the request like this

https://api.vk.com/method/users.get?user_id=210700286&v=5.52&access_token=полученый токен

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