Vanes Ri_Lax2021-06-15 13:20:09
Vanes Ri_Lax, 2021-06-15 13:20:09

Is it possible to use spring like this?

Good afternoon! I'm just starting to learn spring, there was such a question. For example, I have an application that accesses the database, does it make sense to connect springframework only to work with the database?

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3 answer(s)
Yerlan Ibraev, 2021-06-15

Yes. And it makes sense to take SpringBoot, because. there is so much "syntactic sugar" that it will not be necessary to write a bunch of bolt-plate code. :-)

Orkhan, 2021-06-15
Hasanly @azerphoenix

Good afternoon

does it make sense to connect springframework only to work with the database

It may be worth connecting ORM frameworks to work with the database. For example, Hibernate, EclipseLink, MyBatis, ormlite.
In fact, spring is a bean container (an implementation of IOC & DI). Accordingly, if you want to use DI in your application, you can use spring. Well, or another lib for DI (guice, dagger, etc.)
For example, if you are writing a JavaFX application, then there is a good lib for quick integration of spring
And just to work with the database, use hibernate + hikaricp bundle

Dmitry Roo, 2021-06-15

But it's like buying a car to listen to the radio.

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