Kaktys_DH2020-11-09 21:24:05
C++ / C#
Kaktys_DH, 2020-11-09 21:24:05

Is it possible to use sfml without openGL in C++?

Or is openGL necessary, or is it just more convenient, or is it not needed at all?

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1 answer(s)
Evgeny Shatunov, 2020-11-10

The fact is that OpenGL is the so-called. GAPI , i.e. graphics application programming interface.
Based on this GAPI, engines, frameworks and simple projects are built. SFML , being a framework, is similarly based on OpenGL to work with graphics.
In this regard, if you do not plan to work with graphics, then you can simply not use the Window and Graphics modules . As a result, you will not have any dependence on OpenGL.
But if it is important for you to use SFML graphics, then your project will not be built in its standard distribution without OpenGL.

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