zlodiak2017-11-16 13:33:57
zlodiak, 2017-11-16 13:33:57

Is it possible to use google/yandex maps in angular2 without plugins?

Please tell me, is it possible to use google/yandex mapping services in angular2 without installing AGM modules ? If possible, how?
The fact is that all such modules are an add-on to the map service. And learning add-in syntax instead of using native technology is a waste of time.

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1 answer(s)
Eugene Kubesh, 2017-11-16

Of course you can! To begin with, to increase general literacy, let's not write Angular 2, 3, 4, 15. Now there are only 2 Angular frameworks, AngularJS (1.x branch) and Angular (2+ branch). Your question does not need to be tied to a specific version of Angular.
Actually, Angular itself does not oblige you to anything. You can do anything and how you want and it will work, this is what distinguishes it for the most part from AngularJS.
But regarding your question, it is not entirely clear what exactly you want to use in these cards. In fact, often (but not always) such packages can really save time, because all the logic that controls the cards is already implemented in them and it costs you nothing to study it in 30 minutes of your time and use it to the fullest.
But if you still don't want to, then please use it directly, it's just that you will most likely have to reinvent the wheel in some places, but again, it depends on your task, the opposite is also possible.
But Angular does not impose any restrictions on you, just take your time, run through the AGM dock, what if it's worth it? ;)

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