linker2013-12-21 03:02:28
linker, 2013-12-21 03:02:28

Is it possible to upload additional files via composer besides the main package?

I want to automatically install through composer not only the package distribution, but also additional files needed by the package. For example - dictionaries for phpmorphy.
Something like this, so that the package is downloaded, followed by dictionaries, which would ideally also be unpacked (script: post-install-cmd/post-update-cmd?):

"require": {
        "heromantor/phpmorphy": "dev-master"
            "package": {
                    "reference": "master"

Is there such a thing or carry a feature request to the composer?

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1 answer(s)
return, 2013-12-22

Composer is just a package manager, but you can write plugins for it . For example, this one - https://github.com/thecodingmachine/archive-installer
Or you can use a hook on some event, as you wanted.

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